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39日上午,北京大学袁晓如研究员学术报告会在新普京澳门娱乐场网站阜成路校区举行应计算机与信息工程学院、食品安全大数据技术北京市重点实验室邀请,北京大学信息科学中心副主任、学科研究部副部长、博士生导师袁晓如研究员应邀到新普京澳门娱乐场网站作了题为《Urban Big Data Visualization and Analysis》的学术报告。计算机科学与技术学科带头人李海生教授以及学院教师和学生(包括留学生)80余人参加了报告会,报告会由学院党委书记、食品安全大数据技术北京市重点实验室主任陈谊教授主持。报告会全部用英文进行,还通过手机网络平台进行了直播,向更多的人分享了此次活动。




Xiaoru Yuan(袁晓如) is a tenured faculty member in the School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science. He services as the vice director of Information Science Center, at Peking University. He received Bachelor degrees in chemistry and law from Peking University, China, in 1997 and 1998, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in computer science in 2006, from the University of Minnesota at Twin Cities. His primary research interests are in the field of visualization and visual analytics. He has co-authored over 70 technical papers in IEEE VIS/TVCG/PacificVis, EuroVis and other major international visualization conference and journals. His co-authored work on high dynamic range volume visualization received Best Application Paper Award at the IEEE Visualization 2005 conference. He led his student team won six awards in IEEE VAST Challenges. He served on the program committees of IEEE VIS and many other international conferences. He was organization co-chair of IEEE PacificVis 2009, program chair of VINCI 2010 and paper chair of IEEE PacificVis 2016, poster co-chair of IEEE VIS 2015 and 2016, paper chair of IEEE VIS 2017. He co-founded the ChinaVis conference since 2014 and served as the conference Chair on 2015. He also served on the editorial board of CCF journal of CAD&CG and Springer Journal of Visualization, and as guest editor of IEEE TVCG and IEEE CG&A.





(撰稿:李玥,刘瑞军  摄影:于涛,赵云芳  审稿:李海生,陈谊)




