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蔡强 - Cai Qiang


联系方式: E-mail: caiq(at)th.btbu.edu.cn 电话:010-68985370

1999-2003 北京航空航天大学航空宇航制造技术专业CAD方向,工学博士
1991-1994 北京轻工业学院轻工机械专业,工学硕士
1987-1991 北京航空航天大学飞行器环境控制与安全救生专业,工学学士



1. 参与国家重点研发计划子课题“食品品质质量智能化追溯技术”,2016年
2. 主持北京市科技计划“食品安全知识图谱及大数据平台研制”(Z161100001616004),2016年
3. 参与国家科技支撑计划子课题(2015BAK36B04),2015年
4. 参与国家自然基金重大国际合作项目“面向智慧旅游的跨媒体大数据智能分析与处理”(61320106006),2013年
5. 参与国家“973计划”子课题“空间多源数据分析与跨尺度融合,项目编号:2012CB821206”,2012年
6. 参与国家重大专项(2011ZX05038),
7. 主持数字岩心几何模型软件平台的研制,横向项目,2011年
8. 主持北京市自然科学基金面上项目,面向城市道路交通的基于Voronoi图的动态路径规划研究,项目编号:4112016 ,2011年
9. 主持 “北京市属高等学校人才强教深化项目中青年骨干人才”计划(PHR201008239),2010年
10. 主持北京市自然科学基金面上项目:PEBI网格的理论及应用的研究,项目编号:4062010,2006年


2009年2月-4月在爱尔兰考克大学(University College Cork)进修。

2)蔡强,刘亚奇,曹健,毛典辉,李海生,基于SLIC与Delaunay图割的交互式图像分割算法[J],计算机科学与探索,2015, 9(4):482-490.
3)蔡强,刘亚奇,曹健,毛典辉,牛群,图像目标类别检测综述[J],计算机科学与探索,2015, 9(3):257-265.
4)Cai, Qiang; Cheng, Baiyu; Li, Haisheng; Mao, Dianhui. A hierarchical proximity search algorithm based on Voronoi diagram[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science, v 11, n 14, p 4931-4941, September 20, 2014;  Publisher: Binary Information Press , EI:201442113182
5)蔡强,王君君,李海生,毛典辉. 基于神经网络的食品安全评价模型构建研究[J]. 食品科学技术学报 .2014, 32(1):69-76
6)蔡强,韩东梅,李海生,胡耀光,陈谊. 基于标签和协同过滤的个性化资源推荐[J]. 计算机科学, 2014,41(1):69-71,110
7)蔡强, 韩东梅, 李海生, 毛典辉. 基于知识流优化的业务流程重组[J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版). 2013, 41(sup.2): 33-37. EI: 20140817350459
8)蔡强, 陈亚, 李海生, 曹健. 基于灰色神经网络的道路权重确定方法[J]. 上海理工大学学报 ,2013,35(06): 552-556
9)Qiang Cai, Ya Chen, Haisheng Li, and Junping Du. Traffic Impedance based on Grey Mean Generating Function. Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 19, No.4 (1136-1140), 2013, American Science Publishers
10) 蔡强、牛丛丛、刘曰武、李海生,煤层中双重孔隙介质渗流理论的应用(Theory of Dual-porosity Media in Coal Bed Methane and Its Application),科技导报,2012, vol.30,No.24:17-22,
11) Qiang CAI, Yusong TIAN, Haisheng LI,Tao XU, Study of the SMS Platform Optimization Technology Based on Sliding Window and Load Balancing Mechanism,2010 Seventh Web Information systems and Applications Conference(WISA2010),August 20-22,2010,Hohhot,China,pp.185-189,Coference Publishing Services, EI:20104513365642
12) 蔡强、李海生、左敏、孟宪海、杨钦,基于Delaunay三角剖分的复杂地质结构建模,金属矿山,2010年2期,pp.126-130(核心),ISSN:1001-1250
13) 蔡强, 王长飞, 李海生, 杨钦,二维复杂域PEBI网格细化生成算法,东南大学学报(自然科学版),ISSN 1001-0505,2009, vol.39(s1):p224-228(EI:20094912531510)
14) Cai Qiang, Li Haisheng, YANG Qin and LI Ji-gang ,A novel method for Robot Path Planning,重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版), 2009年21卷2期,pp173-177,(核心)
15) 王长飞、蔡强、李海生,智能五子棋算法的设计实现,系统仿真学报,2009年2月第21卷第4期,pp.1105-1109(通讯作者)
16) Cai Qiang, Yang Qin. Implementation on a Real-time Interactive 3-D Graphic Platform, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol.4, No. 4 , 2008, pp.1789-1794, Imprint: BINARY INFORMATION PRESS(EI:20084611708375)
17) Cai Qiang, Li Haisheng, Wang Changfei, Yang Qin,A Generation Technique of 2D PEBI Grid for Geology Modeling, Proceedings of China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies 2008(CIICT2008), The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Sep. 2008, p221-224 (EI:20092912188573 & ISTP)
18) Cai Qiang, ZUO Min, Yang Qin, LI Ji-gang,. Generating Generalized Voronoi Diagram for Robot Path Planning, Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on AI(ICAI'06) (ISTP),Beijing Post and Telecommunications University Press,August,1-3, 2006, 928-931,
19) 蔡强、杨钦、孟宪海、李吉刚.二维PEBI网格的生成研究,工程图学学报,2005年2月26卷2期69-72,ISSN:1003-0158,(核心,CSCD)
20) 蔡强、杨钦、陈其明.地质结构重叠域的限定Delaunay三角剖分研究,计算机辅助设计与图形学学报/16卷/6期/2004/766-771(EI,核心,CSCD)

已出版专著1本(《限定Voronoi剖分的理论及应用研究》, ISBN:978-7-5635-2431-0,北京邮电大学出版社,2010年9月出版)。




CAI Qiang is a professor of Department of Computer Science and Technology of Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU). During 1994-2001, he worked at School of Mechanical Engineering, BTBU. On Jan. 2004, he started serving in School of Computer Science and Technology, BTBU. Since June, 2005, he also has been served as the director of Centre for Engineering Education, BTBU. On Jan., 2011, he became the dean of School of Material and Mechanical Engineering, BTBU. Since Apr., 2012, he has been served as the dean of School of Computer and Information Engineering, BTBU. He has taught several courses including computer-aided design, computer graphics, management information system, object-oriented analyze and design, algorithm and data structure, software requirements engineering, etc.

He was born on May, 1969 in Chongqing, China. He obtained B.Eng. in 1991 from Beihang University, M. Eng. in 1994 from Beijing Technology and Business University, and D. Eng. in 2003 from Beihang University. He has been a member of IEEE-CS since 2002, a senior member of China Computer Federation since 2012,  a member of Chinese Association of System Simulation since 2007, a member of Council of China Institute of Artificial Intelligence, etc. His research interests are in the areas of computer aided design, computational geometry, scientific visualization and knowledge map for food safety. He has been working on several research projects such as Beijing Natural Science Foundation (No. 4062010, 4112016), the sub-project of "12th Five-Year" National Science and Technology Support Program (2015BAK36B04), the sub-project of National Key Technology Research and Development Program (2016YFD0401205), and Beijing Science and Technology ProjectNo. Z161100001616004. He has published more than 100 academic papers and also attended several international conferences during recent years such as WISA 2010, AIAI 2011, CIAC 2011, CCIS 2012, DEA 2013,2014,2015,2016, ChinaVR 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ICVRV 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, China Graphics 2015.

His recent papers including:

1)  Qiang CAI, Haisheng LI, Yusong TIAN, Min ZUO, Tao XU, Research on LBS-based Customized PUSH Service for Flight Information, 2010 International Colloquium on Computing, Communication, Control, and Management(CCCM2010), pp.465-468, August 20-22,2010,Yangzhou,China, IEEE TechnologyISBN:978-1-4244-7380-9

2)  Qiang CAI, Yusong TIAN, Haisheng LI, Tao XU, Study of the SMS Platform Optimization Technology Based on Sliding Window and Load Balancing Mechanism,2010 Seventh Web Information systems and Applications Conference(WISA2010),August 20-22,2010,Hohhot,China,pp.185-189,Conference Publishing Services, ISBN:978-0-7695-4193-8,( EIAccession number20104513365642

3)  Lu Mingxiang, Cai Qiang, Li Haisheng, A Method of Transition from BPMN to BPEL, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Intelligence and Awareness Internet(AIAI 2011), ISBN:978-1-84919-471-6, Oct., 28-30,2011.p372-375EI20123715429980

4)  Cai Qiang, Ma Anhua, Li Haisheng, Secondary Development and Utilization of Urban Road Vector Data Under MapX Environment, Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Intelligence and Awareness Internet (AIAI 2011), ISBN:978-1-84919-471-6, Oct., 28-30,2011.p363-366EI20122915249317

5)  Li, Qi; Li, Haisheng; Cai, Qiang; Liu, Yuewu, Generation of 2D conforming voronoi diagram in complex domain, Communications in Computer and Information Science, v 227 CCIS, n PART 4, p 32-39, Aug., 2011, Applied Informatics and Communication - International Conference, ICAIC 2011, ProceedingsEi20113614307656

6)  Yu-hang Zeng, Hai-sheng Li, Qiang Cai, Yue-wu Liu. Two Dimensional Parallel Delaunay Mesh Generations Based on Multi-core CPU Environment[J].  Journal of Computational Science & Engineering  3 (2012):1-7  Available at: http://www.asocse.org/journals/jcse/2012.03.htm

7)  Cao, Jian;  Li, HaishengCai, QiangGuo, Shilong  A segmentation and recognition method of rigid image targets Source: Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, v 4, n 16, p 2728-2734, 2012Ei20124015495636

8)  Qiang Cai, Ya Chen, Haisheng Li, and Junping Du. Traffic Impedance based on Grey Mean Generating Function. Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 19, No.4 (1136-1140), 2013, ISSN: 1936-6612, American Science Publishers

9) Cai Qiang, Han Dongmei, et al., Business Process Reengineering Based on Knowledge Flow Optimization. J. Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech.(Science Edition). 2013, 41(sup.2): 33-37. EI(JA), Accession number: 20140817350459

10)      Cai Qiang, Han Dongmei, et al., Personalized Resource Recommendation Based on Tags and Collaborative Filtering. Computer Science, 2014,41(1):69-71,110

11)      CAI Qiang, WANG Jun-jun, LI Hai-sheng, et alResearch on establishment of food safety evaluation model based on neural network Journal of Food Science and Technology201432( 1) :69-76

12)      Cai, Qiang, Cheng, Baiyu, Li, Haisheng, Mao, Dianhui. A hierarchical proximity search algorithm based on Voronoi diagram[J]. Journal of Information and Computational Science, v 11, n 14, p 4931-4941, September 20, 2014;  ISSN: 15487741, DOI: 10.12733/jics20104485; Publisher: Binary Information Press , EI(JA), Accession number:  201442113182

13)      Cai Qiang, Liu Yaqi, et al., Review on Object Class Detection, Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, 2015, 9(3)257-265.

14)      Cai Qiang, Liu Yaqi, et al., Interactive Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on SLIC and Delaunay Graph Cut , Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, 2015, 9(4)482-490.

15)      Cai Qiang, Xue Ziyu, et al, Salient Region Detection based on Object-Biased Gaussian Refinement and Global Contrast, Journal of System Simulation2015,27(10)2489-2496

16)      Qiang Cai, Yaqi Liu, Jian Cao and Haisheng Li. Colour image segmentation using self-adaptive watershed and affinity propagation clustering. International journal of computer application in technology (IJCAT), 2016, 53(4).
