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刘新亮 - Liu Xinliang








E-Mail liuxinl@th.btbu.edu.cn



Liu Xinliang, Male,Born in September 1972, Associate Professor, Master Tutor, Vice Dean of CIE.


I. Research Direction: Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Intelligent Information Processing

Liuxinl@btbu.edu.cn E-mail: office phone: 010-68985386


II. Teaching:

1.For the undergraduate ”database principle and design”, "database application system", "management information system", "object oriented programming" ;

2.For the graduate: "database theory and technology ".


IIIResearch projects in recent years:

1.2016.4-2016.10 Design and Develop of LE HUA Website;

2.2015.1-2017.12 Based on Large Data of Mobile Internet Catering Cross Media Data Mining and Application Research . NO. KM201510011008;

3 2014.4-2014.9 Mo Han Technology WeChat Public Management Platform;

4. 2013.11-2014.12 APP of Cloud food and Beverage Multilateral Information Service Platform and Development Technology Services;

5. 2012.10-2015.1 Enterprise Safety Production Standardization Information Management System Development;

6. 2011.6-2012.5 Design and Development of Reporter Smart system based on MAC System;


IVOverseas training and learning :


(1) 2011.7-8 University of Oxford trained about teaching;

(2) 2005.7-11 University of British Columbia (UBC) learning how to teach in English.


VSome papers:

(1) Liu Xinliang, Wang Shimin, XML-Based transformation research between mining beterogeneous data and the relational data, ICCASM2010, October 222010, V13, pV13292-V13294, ISBN-13: 9781424472369 (EI)

(2) Liu Xinliang, Zuo Min, Data Warehouse For Data Mining Based on OLAP Technology, Sept. 26-28th CIICT2008, Publisher: Institution of Engineering and Technology ISBN-13:, 9780863419218 (EI),


VI. Awards:


(1) Beijing Technology and Business University Teaching Excellence Award 2012

(2) the employment contribution award of Beijing Technology and Business University in 2011

VII. Part time: Member of China Institute of artificial intelligence


